Pests Should Be Outside, Not Inside Your Home

 Call Grenier’s Pest Control to help you deal with the following pests that frequent the Northern and Central Vermont areas.

Wasps & Yellow Jackets

Although vital to our ecosystem, these flying, stinging insects can be a huge nuisance to any homeowner. Infestations are common in the summer & early fall, and during the months of September & October they get particulary aggressive. They tend to take residence in trees, gutters, underneath roofs, and in the ground.


 Don’t risk the danger of trying to close up wasp & yellow jacket entrance holes on your own! Contact us today for the professional and efficient removal of these pests.

Wasps & Yellow Jackets

Although vital to our ecosystem, these flying, stinging insects can be a huge nuisance to any homeowner. Infestations are common in the summer & early fall, and during the months of September & October they get particulary aggressive. They tend to take residence in trees, gutters, underneath roofs, and in the ground.


 Don’t risk the danger of trying to close up wasp & yellow jacket entrance holes on your own! Contact us today for the professional and efficient removal of these pests.

Carpenter Ants

Similar to termites, these pests create their nests in wood, often destroying the structural integrity of homes and buildings by creating networks of tunnels. They are drawn to moist conditions and tend to find homes in any wood dampened by water, such as attic rafters and crawlspaces. We can eliminate carpenter ants from your home as well as providing preventative treatments each spring to make sure they stay away.

Cluster Flies, Box Elder Bugs, Asiatic Garden Beetles (Lady Bugs) – Fall Treatments

While not health hazardous, these pests tend to make their way into homes through the late summer and early fall months, where they over winter in your walls and enter your homes on sunny days. Preventive sprays each fall are key to stop these pests from sneaking into small cracks and crevices around your house.

Mice & Rats

Mice and Rodents can be a serious cause of concern for any homeowner, as they can carry dangerous diseases and bacteria. Grenier’s Pest control encourages the use of  toxin-free methods to take care of your rodent problem without having to worry about poisons affecting you or the people and pets in your home. However, the use of rodent poison is available to those that choose this method.

 Grenier’s Pest Control

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